Fed Up With Food Additives!
Wow. I cannot recommend highly enough to take the time to read a few of these little stories from the Fed Up website and then explore their information. It’s amazing what we put in our mouths that are loaded with so many codes it could be a matrix we’re ingesting by day’s end. Some issues resolved in the testimonial feedback are: Rash, Eczema, night terrors, depression, anxiety, anger, Crohn’s…the list goes on.
I suddenly realised why our girls may have been be losing the plot the last few days. I initially thought, “Oh no, the Terrible Two’s they all talk about”. But today they’re a lot better. I remember the other night we had a new meatball dish from an ‘upmarket’ butcher on Ferry Road. I usually have the kids on a pretty natural food diet which keeps their moods up, a great attention span and they’re very articulate. But lately, nada!
I also felt ridiculously depressed with no self confidence and my patience had all but flown out the window. So much so I simply didn’t felt like, well, me. Just this short tempered monster who’d gained access to my body!
After reading on the Fed Up website (above) about these people and their reactions to food additives and the resulting diet changes I know that our family, like all others, suffer from the health effects of our foods riddled with flavour enhancers, additives, preservatives and colours. Each family, and each individual to varying degrees. Read the Fed Up article and see if you find any correlations with behavioural, mental or physical challenges in your family today.
Check the back of the packaging on your favourite food items – I dare you. Then start Googling alternative food ideas or additive free replacements. And if you feel so inclined spread the word to your friends and petition your supermarket for better products with less rubbish in them!
Get informed. Get healthy. Save your kids. Save your sanity.
Here’s a handy list of food additives and their safer alternatives.
Hooray Sue Dengate! She’s on the road. Visit Fed Up Roadshow Talks.
Healthy Eating = Happy Days.
25 Ridiculously Healthy Foods
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